4 Technology Writing Prompts for Teens

Technology is so prevalent today that it’s hard to imagine our lives without it. This set of technology writing prompts for teens will help your middle and high school students think about the myriad ways technology impacts our lives. What if they had to do without a favorite device or gadget? What if they owned a personal robot? What about wearable technology? Invite your teens to choose from these prompts and explore the possibilities!
4 Technology Writing Prompts
1) Computer Crazy
Think about one form of technology you can’t imagine living without. Is it television? Minecraft? Your smartphone or iPad? Write an essay explaining why you’re so crazy about this technology, and tell what you would do in its place if it were taken away for a week.
2) Past Meets Future
Imagine that a time machine has transported you back to an earlier civilization or historical era. Poking through your backpack, you discover some rope, a pocket knife, a roll of duct tape, and three modern technological devices. Where are you? What is the time period? What tech devices are in your backpack? Write a diary or journal entry about how you survive for 24 hours with the help of the items you have on hand.
3) Team Robot
Your uncle has given you an Anti-Lazy (“AL”) Robot for your birthday. Forget sitting on the couch while you order your robot around: AL only works when you do! If you take a break, the robot shuts down. When you start working again, it powers back up.AL can help you with just about anything, but it cannot do things for you. For example, it cYour uncle has given you an Anti-Lazy (“AL”) Robot for your birthday. Forget sitting on the couch while you order your robot around: AL only works when you do! If you take a break, the robot shuts down. When you start working again, it powers back up.
AL can help you with just about anything, but it cannot do things for you. For example, it can’t do all the dishes, but it can help you dry or put them away. It won’t do your homework, but it can help you figure out a hard math problem. Think of three chores or projects you and your robot could team up on. Describe how you will work together and what each of you will do to accomplish those three tasks.
4) Techwear
Wearable technology, once the stuff of old spy movies, is rapidly moving into the 21st century. Today, consumers can buy wristbands that count steps and track sleep, athletic shoes that monitor fitness, watches that double as Wearable technology, once the stuff of old spy movies, is rapidly moving into the 21st century. Today, consumers can buy wristbands that count steps and track sleep, athletic shoes that monitor fitness, watches that double as phones, and smart glasses that function as a computer or GPS. Imagine that you have invented an exciting new item of wearable technology. Write a persuasive essay in which you describe this item, explain what it does, and convince readers to buy it.
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