Scholastic Highlights the Importance of Reading Aloud

Scholastic has released its latest Kids and Family Reading Report. Scholastic is dedicated to increasing literacy and publishes classic children’s books, such as Clifford the Big Red Dog. Their new report, which you can read here, shares some key data on families and reading.
What Makes Frequent Readers?
Scholastic defines frequent readers as children who read books for fun 5–7 days a week. Scholastic lists this data:
There are several predictors that children ages 6–17 will be frequent readers. Three dynamics among the most powerful predictors are:
● being more likely to rate themselves as “really enjoying reading”;
● a strong belief that reading for fun is important; and
● having parents who are frequent readers.
Scholastic’s report also shows the importance of reading aloud early and often, as well as factors such as “reading a book of choice independently in school, ereading experiences, a large home library, having been told their reading level and having parents involved in their reading habits.”
Reading aloud is about communal relationship, bonding, and expressing love. Read to your children, let them read to you, and have your children read to each other. Remember, years and years from now, your children may forget the specific plot details of the books you read to them, but they’ll never forget that you read to them.
How Can I Learn More?
Download infographics from Scholastic’s report showing information about reading aloud.
Read Ethan Demme’s series on parental engagement and reading.