How to Homeschool Multiple Children [Show]

Demme Learning |

Join veteran homeschool parents as we share tips and insights into how to homeschool multiple children.

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Show Notes

Here are some things that may be worth repeating, and some comments and commentary that came up in the chat. We hope it helps you in your journey.

Comparison is the thief of joy.

Learn your childrens’ love languages.

Handling Kids Who Are Sick, but Not Down and Out

  • Those days were always more relaxed in our homeschool
  • A good opportunity for poetry, reading aloud, hot tea, and discussion
  • Making soup and bread with butter
  • Listening to audiobooks
  • Watching documentaries
  • Curl up with blankets and stay in PJs
  • A good day for educational games and artwork projects

Homeschooling Books

The Successful Homeschool Handbook by Raymond and Dorothy Moore
Four-Hour School Day by Durenda Wilson

Educational Games

The Verbal Math Lessons series by Charan Langton & Michael Levin
Sum Swamp
Silly Sentences

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