34 Favorite (Home)School Supplies [Curated]

It’s that time in the year when your homeschooling life seems a little more at ease and you can finally catch a breath. It may be too early to reflect on your child’s progress or curriculum; however, we can talk about something a little more fun…school supplies!
Okay, I admit it; one of the most enjoyable parts to adulthood is shopping, and for homeschool parents, this include shopping for homeschool needs. Shopping for homeschool supplies gets us excited and focused for planning the school year.
While not all school supplies are necessary, most do provide benefits that, after time, seem crucial to your homeschool day to day. These benefits can range from helping you stay organized to creating a positive learning environment and nurturing a love of learning for your children.
Not only can your children reap these benefits with homeschool supplies, but let’s take this one step further – we do homeschool after all. As your children get older, you can include them in this process. Teach them about planning, creating a budget, and execute homeschool supply shopping together. It may even give your child a deeper appreciation for all the hard work and energy that goes into their homeschooling every year.
But, what are the most popular homeschool supplies out there?
We asked homeschool parents like you for their favorite homeschool supplies, and we were flooded with responses. A few of these items may already be used in your daily life, but we’re hoping something else may catch your eye.
Not seeing your must have homeschool supply in the list? Tell us about it in the comment section below.
Name |
Play-Doh |
Stock Card Paper |
Boxes |
Dry-erase Boards |
Clipboards |
Ticonderoga wood pencils |
Pencil Sharpeners |
Sharpie Markers |
Art Materials |
Crayons |
Erasers |
Binders |
PrismaColor Pencils |
Spiral Notebooks |
Pocket Folders |
Rulers |
Storage Baskets |
Paper Cutter |
3-Hole Puncher |
Glue Sticks |
Monthly Planner |
Magnetic Dry-erase Board |
Scissors |
Pencil Grips |
Markers |
Laminator |
Gel Pens |
Legal Pads |
Graph Paper |
Watercolor Paint |
Rubber Bands |
Name |
Construction Paper |
Erasable Pens |
Homeschooling 101 eBook
No one knows your child better than you. We trust parents, and we want you to have the confidence to make the right decision for your situation.
We have compiled this eBook to help you through your decision. You’ll learn:
- The History of homeschooling
- How to find your state’s homeschool laws
- The different styles of homeschooling
- Tips from both professionals and veterans
- Where to find practical and inspirational resources to improve your homeschool experience
Enter your information below, and we will email the eBook to you right away.
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