Expose Your Family to Art

I grew up in a family that wouldn’t be considered artistically talented. Some families have members who all play stringed instruments while other families have a family choir. The most we ever managed was recorders and color coded hand bells.
Even though we weren’t the most artistically gifted, my parent made an effort to expose us to culture and the arts. I remember visiting museums, going to free classical concerts in the park, and even driving to Annapolis MD to experience Handel’s Messiah performed by Midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy.
The exposure to the arts and culture growing up instilled in me their value. I continue to seek out the arts with trips to museums and concerts in the park, a habit I attribute to the fond memories of similar trips with my parents and siblings growing up.
Not everyone will be the next Vincent Van Gogh but everyone should have the opportunity to learn about and talk about his art. Arts and culture are meant to be experienced as they touch on our humanity and parents are the best situated to make sure those experiences happen.
Part two of a four part series on arts and culture.
Part 1 – Art Is Not Mere Luxury
Part 2 – Expose Your Family to Art
Part 3 – Getting Your Kids Engaged in Culture-Making
Part 4 – Art is Irreplaceable